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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550998


Introducción: Cada vez son más los estudiantes interesados en estudios bibliométricos, lo que se traduce en la publicación de los mismos en revistas científicas de pregrado. Objetivo: Caracterizar la producción científica bibliométrica publicada en revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas de 2021 a 2023. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y bibliométrico sobre los artículos de bibliometría publicados en revistas científicas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, entre enero de 2021 y agosto de 2023. El universo se conformó por 594 artículos y la muestra por 23. El procesamiento estadístico implicó la frecuencia absoluta y porcentual. Se calcularon los índices de Price, de colaboración y de productividad. Resultados: La revista con mayor número de artículos sobre bibliometría publicados fue Universidad Médica Pinareña, con 6,84 %; el 53,57 % de los autores pertenecieron al sexo masculino, y la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río fue el centro de procedencia de nueve autores, para un 17,65 %. Las investigaciones con cinco autores fueron las de mayor prevalencia, y el grado de productividad respecto al tema fue bajo, para un 67,86 %. Conclusiones: Existe una baja frecuencia de publicación de artículos bibliométricos en las revistas estudiantiles de ciencias de la salud cubanas, concentrándose en Universidad Médica Pinareña y 16 de Abril, mientras se muestra un elevado índice de publicaciones por autores masculinos. La autoría múltiple fue la que predominó.

Introduction: More and more students are interested in bibliometric studies which translate into their publication in undergraduate scientific journals. Objective: To characterize the bibliometric scientific production published in Cuban student health sciences journals from 2021 to 2023. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric research was carried out on bibliometric articles published in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, between January 2021 and August 2023. The universe was made up of 594 articles and the sample of 23. Statistical processing involved absolute and percentage frequency. Price, collaboration and productivity indices were calculated. Results: The journal with the highest number of articles on bibliometric published was Universidad Médica Pinareña with 6.84%; 53.57% of the authors belonged to the male sex and the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Rio was the center of origin of nine authors, for 17.65%. Research with five authors was the most prevalent and the degree of productivity regarding the topic was low, at 67.86%. Conclusions: There is a low frequency of publications of bibliometric articles in Cuban student scientific journals of Health Science, concentrating on the Universidad Médica Pinareña and 16 de Abril, while showing a high rate of publications by male authors. Multiple authorship predominated.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551115


Este estudo objetivou estimar a prevalência do uso do cigarro eletrônico e a associação com fatores preditores. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, analítico, com amostra probabilística de universitários matriculados em um Centro Universitário de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil no segundo semestre de 2022. A variável dependente referiu-se ao uso do cigarro eletrônico. As variáveis independentes referiram a fatores sociodemográficas, laborais e comportamentais. A associação entre as variáveis investigadas e a prevalência do uso do CE foi verificada pela análise bivariada e a regressão de Poisson. Foram entrevistados 730 universitários, com a média de idade de anos 22,56 (±6,25). Destes, 21,8 % faziam o uso cigarro eletrônico e após a análise multivariada manteve-se associado ao desfecho não ter companheiro (RP= 3,31; IC95% 1,04-10,48), morar com amigos/sozinho (RP=1,53; IC95% 1,07-2,18), ter histórico de usuários de cigarro eletrônico na residência (RP= 1,76; IC95%: 1,17- 1,89), consumir bebida alcoólica (RP= 3,07; IC95%: 1,72-5,49) e não praticar atividade física (RP= 3,37; IC95% 2,35-4,83). Conhecer sobre o cigarro eletrônico foi fator protetor (RP= 0,31 IC95% 0,20-0,46). Registrou-se elevada prevalência do uso do cigarro eletrônico, e manteve associados a fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentais. Esses achados chamam a atenção para a necessidade de novas medidas regulatórias, a fim de reduzir o uso desse dispositivo.

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of e-cigarette use and the association with predictors. This is a cross-sectional, analytical study with a probabilistic sample of university students enrolled in a University Center of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil in the second half of 2022. The dependent variable referred to the use of electronic cigarettes. The independent variables referred to sociodemographic, labor and behavioral factors. The association between the variables investigated and the prevalence of EC use was verified by bivariate analysis and Poisson regression. A total of 730 university students were interviewed, with a mean age of 22.56 (±6.25). Of these, 21.8% used electronic cigarettes and after multivariate analysis, it remained associated with the outcome of not having a partner (PR= 3.31; CI95% 1.04-10.48), living with friends/alone (PR=1.53; CI95% 1.07-2.18), having a history of e-cigarette users in the residence (PR= 1.76; CI95%: 1.17- 1.89), alcohol consumption (PR= 3.07; CI95%: 1.72-5.49) and not practicing physical activity (PR= 3.37; IC95% 2.35-4.83). Knowing about electronic cigarettes was a protective factor (PR= 0.31 CI95% 0.20-0.46). There was a high prevalence of e-cigarette use, and it was associated with sociodemographic and behavioral factors. These findings draw attention to the need for new regulatory measures in order to reduce the use of this device.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la prevalencia del uso de cigarrillos electrónicos y la asociación con predictores. Se trata de un estudio analítico transversal con una muestra probabilística de estudiantes universitarios matriculados en un Centro Universitario de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil, en el segundo semestre de 2022. La variable dependiente se refería al uso de cigarrillos electrónicos. Las variables independientes se refirieron a factores sociodemográficos, laborales y conductuales. La asociación entre las variables investigadas y la prevalencia de uso de CE fue verificada por análisis bivariado y regresión de Poisson. Fueron entrevistados 730 estudiantes universitarios, con una edad promedio de 22,56 (±6,25). De estos, 21,8% utilizaron cigarrillos electrónicos y después del análisis multivariado, se mantuvo asociado con el resultado de no tener pareja (RP= 3,31; IC95% 1,04-10,48), vivir con amigos/solo (RP=1,53; IC95% 1,07-2,18), con antecedentes de usuarios de cigarrillos electrónicos en la residencia (RP= 1,76; IC95%: 1,17- 1,89), consumo de alcohol (RP= 3,07; IC95%: 1,72-5,49) y no practicar actividad física (RP= 3,37; IC95% 2,35-4,83). El conocimiento de los cigarrillos electrónicos fue un factor protector (RP= 0,31 IC95% 0,20-0,46). Hubo una alta prevalencia de uso de cigarrillos electrónicos, y se asoció con factores sociodemográficos y de comportamiento. Estos hallazgos llaman la atención sobre la necesidad de nuevas medidas regulatorias para reducir el uso de este dispositivo.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 55(1): 42362, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552566


During COVID-19 pandemic an increase electronic media (e-media) usage time was reported correlated to behavioral problems. This study verified the associations between e-media and behavioral/emotional problems in children in the context of the pandemic. Sample: Parents of 277 children aged 7-11 years old. Instruments: socioeconomic questionnaire; MAF-P and CBCL/6-18. Spearman's correlation analyses showed positive associations between the MAF-P and CBCL/6-18 scales. Adult games were correlated with 12 scales; websites for information/entertainment were associated with 6 scales, gambling online with one scale; electronic games and watching YouTube videos were associated with all 17 scales. In conclusion, overall, the results indicate the need of supervising children's e-media access considering the number and frequency of use and the elevated number of emotional and behavioral problems found among the evaluated group

Durante a pandemia da COVID-19 verificou-se aumento no tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas (e-media) relacionado a problemas comportamentais. Este trabalho avaliou associações entre tempo de uso de e-media e problemas comportamentais/emocionais em crianças no contexto da pandemia. Contou com uma amostra de 277 responsáveis por crianças de 7-11 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram questionário socioeconômico, MAF-P e CBCL/6-18. As análises de correlação de Spearman apontaram associações positivas entre as e-media na MAF-P e escalas do CBCL/6-18. Os jogos adultos correlacionaram-se a 12 escalas; sites para informação/diversão foram associados a seis; apostar na internet a um; e jogos eletrônicos e ver vídeos no YouTube associaram-se a 17 escalas. Conclui-se, de modo geral, que os resultados indicam a necessidade de supervisão para acesso a e-media por crianças, considerando o número, a frequência de uso e o elevado número de problemas emocionais e comportamentais verificados no grupo estudado

Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, hubo un aumento en el tiempo dedicado al uso de medios electrónicos (e-media) relacionados con problemas de comportamiento. Este trabajo evaluó las asociaciones entre el tiempo de uso de los medios electrónicos y los problemas conductuales/emocionales en niños en el contexto de la pandemia. Muestra: 277 tutores de niños de 7 a 11 años. Instrumentos: socioeconómico, MAF-P y CBCL/6-18. Los análisis de correlación de Spearman mostraron asociaciones positivas entre los medios electrónicos en las escalas MAF-P y CBCL/6-18. Juegos para adultos correlacionados con 12 escalas; sitios de información/diversión asociados a 6; apostar en internet a las 1; los juegos electrónicos y ver videos en YouTube se asociaron con 17 escalas. Se concluye, en general, que los resultados indican la necesidad de supervisión para el acceso a e-media por parte de los niños, considerando el número y la frecuencia de uso y el elevado número de problemas emocionales y conductuales verificados en el grupo estudiado

Child , Video-Audio Media
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e008, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528152


Abstract Dental referrals to the Endodontics Specialty Clinic (ESC) are routine owing to the complexity of endodontic treatments. To obtain a better prognosis for treatment, students/dentists must perceive their technical limits. This study sought to investigate the referrals of patients to the ESC from different clinics of the Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas - SP, Brazil, and check: a) the demographic profile of patients and the most commonly affected tooth; b) the clinic with the largest number of referrals; c) the reasons for referrals; d) the complexity of the cases; e) and the difficulty in assessing the referred cases based on the classification provided by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) and Souza-Filho. The study sample consisted of patients' electronic dental referral records from February 2015 to June 2019. A total of 1,707 patients were referred to the ESC during the study period, and 62.4% were female. Lower molars were the most frequently involved teeth (34.8%), and 60.7% of the cases were referred due to the presence of root curvature. The AAE classification showed prevalence of highly difficult cases (71.3%), whereas Souza-Filho classification demonstrated a high rate of class III cases (85.8%). This study highlights the difficulties encountered by undergraduate students before or during endodontic treatments, reinforcing the need for clear criteria for selecting cases appropriate for each education level, thus improving endodontic treatment prognosis.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e04492023, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528320


Resumo O uso de prontuários eletrônicos (PE) na atenção primária em saúde (APS) visa maior integração e qualidade dos serviços. Um dos pontos mais críticos da APS brasileira segue sendo o acesso. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar através dos dados do terceiro ciclo avaliativo do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) a relação entre o uso de prontuário eletrônico e os parâmetros de acesso e acolhimento das unidades participantes. Estudo transversal analítico com dados secundários. Foram avaliados dados provenientes de 38.865 equipes de atenção primária, 30.346 unidades de saúde e 140.444 usuários entrevistados. O uso de PE esteve associado a maior realização de atendimento à demanda espontânea (OR 1,664; IC95% 1,485-1,866), avaliação de risco e vulnerabilidade (OR 1,329; IC95% 1,122-1,574) e utilização de protocolos de conduta (OR 1,656; IC95% 1,530-1,793), além de maior possibilidade de agendamento por telefone (OR 3,179; IC95% 3,030-3,335). Serviços que utilizam PE tem maior chance de ser o primeiro contato dos pacientes (OR 1,226; IC95% 1,171-1,283) e de serem buscados quando o usuário tem problemas de urgência (OR 1,198; IC95% 1,161-1,236). Há uma possibilidade concreta de melhoria do acesso através da informatização.

Abstract The use of electronic health records (EHR) in primary healthcare (PHC) aims for better integration of services and care quality. One of most the critical points of Brazilian PHC is access. This article aims to analyze, through data from the third evaluation cycle of the Brazilian Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB), the relationship between the use of electronic health records and the parameters of access of the participant teams. Cross-sectional analytical study with secondary data. Data from 38,865 primary care teams, 30,346 health units and 140,444 interviewed users were evaluated. The use of EHR was associated with greater care for non-programmed demands (OR 1.664; 95%CI 1.485-1.866), risk and vulnerability assessment (OR 1.329; 95%CI 1.122-1.574) and use of protocols for clinical conducts (OR 1.656; 95%CI 1.530-1.793), in addition to a greater possibility of scheduling consultation by telephone (OR 3.179; 95%CI 3.030-3.335). Services using EHR are more likely to be the patients first contact (OR 1.226; 95%CI 1.171-1.283) and to be sought when facing urgent health problem (OR 1.198; 95%CI 1.161-1.236). The results point to a concrete possibility of improving access through computerization.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 1-11, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005247


Seeds are the source for the production of Chinese medicinal materials. The seed authenticity and quality of directly affect the effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicinal materials. The seed quality is faced with the problems such as mixed sources, existence of adulterants and seeds stocked for years, low maturity, and low purity. To ensure the high-quality and sustainable development of the Chinese medicinal material industry, it is urgent to standardize the seed market and identify and evaluate the quality of the seeds circulating in the market. Seed identification methods include visual inspection, microscopic observation, micro-character identification, chemical fingerprinting, molecular identification, electronic nose, X-ray diffraction, electrochemical fingerprinting, spectral imaging, and artificial intelligence. These methods have different application scopes and unique advantages and disadvantages. According to the different species of Chinese herbal medicines and different requirements of testing sites, suitable methods can be selected to achieve rapid and accurate identification with low costs. In the future, the seed identification methods should be developed based on emerging technologies with interdisciplinary knowledge, and intelligent, nondestructive, and single-grain detection methods are needed for the modern Chinese medicinal material industry. This paper introduces the seed identification technologies currently applied in research and production, compares the principles, applicability, advantages, and disadvantages of different technologies, and provides an outlook on the future development of seed identification technologies, aiming to provide a reference for the identification and quality evaluation of seeds of Chinese medicinal material.

Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 24(42): 26-33, nov.2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1527366


Introducción: hacer el registro de los cuidados que la Enfermería proporciona diariamente a los pacientes, es una tarea esencial, tanto para dar una adecuada calidad sanitaria como para el desarrollo de la profesión. Objetivo: identificar la calidad de los registros electrónicos de Enfermería de un hospital de alta complejidad de la ciudad de Corrientes. Metodología: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo transversal donde se revisaron 133 historias clínicas digitales mediante una herramienta adaptada y previamente validada. Resultados: de forma específica, la variable identificación del paciente obtuvo calidad buena, en cuanto al registro de la valoración se identificó que el 92% de las historias clínicas registraron menos de 6 indicadores, una calidad deficiente, y el 8% restante registró calidad regular, y la variable intervenciones obtuvo una calidad deficiente con un 87% de registro de los indicadores. Conclusión: en los resultados de la investigación se llegó a la conclusión de que, la calidad de los registros electrónicos de enfermería del servicio de terapia intensiva del hospital es de calidad deficiente respecto al registro electrónico del proceso enfermero[AU]

Introduction: recording the care that nursing provides daily to patients is an essential task, both for providing adequate health quality and for the development of the profession. Objective:to identify the quality of the electronic nursing records of a highly complex hospital in the city of Corrientes. Methodology: a cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study was carried out where 133 digital medical records were reviewed using an adapted and previously validated tool. Results: specifically, the patient identification variable obtained good quality, regarding the assessment record, it was identified that 92% of the medical records re-gistered less than 6 indicators, a poor quality, and the remaining 8% re-gistered regular quality, and the variable interventions obtained a poorquality with 87% registering the indicators. Conclusion: in the results of the investigation, it was concluded that the quality of the electronic nursing records of the hospital's intensive care service is of poor quality compared to the electronic record of the nursing process[AU]

Introdução: registrar os cuidados que a enfermagem presta diaria-mente aos pacientes é tarefa essencial, tanto para a prestação de uma saúde de qualidade adequada, quanto para o desenvolvimento da profissão. Objetivo: identificar a qualidade dos registros eletrônicos de enfermagem de um hospital de alta complexidade da cidade de Corrientes. Metodologia: realizouse um estudo quantitativo descritivo transversal onde foram revistos 133 prontuários digitais por meio de um instrumento adaptado e previamente validado. Resultados: especificamente, a variável identificação do paciente obteve qualidade boa, quanto ao registro de avaliação, identificouse que 92% dos prontuários registraram menos de 6 indicadores, a qualidade ruim, e os 8% restantes registraram qualidade regular, e a variável as intervenções obtiveram uma qualidade ruim com 87% registrando os indicadores. Conclusão: nos resultados da investigação concluiuse que a qualidade do prontuário eletrônico de enfermagem do serviço de terapia intensiva do hospital é de baixa qualidade em relação ao prontuário eletrônico do processo de enfermagem[AU]

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514491


Ante el gran número de publicaciones científicas digitales existentes, la evaluación se hace ineludible, porque es la que garantiza que dichos productos alcancen niveles cada vez mayores de calidad, por lo original de las investigaciones que publican, y que han pasado previamente por un riguroso arbitraje. Se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con enfoque cualitativo de las cuatro revistas médicas de Villa Clara, para evaluar la gestión editorial en el período comprendido de enero 2019 a diciembre 2021, según los estándares establecidos por el Centro Nacional de Información.

Evaluation has become unavoidable given the large number of existing digital scientific publications; it guarantees that these products reach increasingly higher levels of quality due to the originality of the published research and the rigorous review process. A developmental research with a qualitative approach was carried out on four of the journals from Villa Clara province in order to evaluate their editorial management from January 2019 to December 2021 according to the standards established by the National Information Center.

Serial Publications , Editorial Policies , Scientific Publication Indicators , Periodical
Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528545


Introducción: A partir de su formación permanente y continuada, desde la educación en el trabajo, el tecnólogo de la salud en optometría y óptica desarrolla modos de actuación en la atención primaria de salud, mediante la interacción con escuelas de la comunidad, para identificar problemas visuales en niños y contribuir a su rehabilitación, al brindar educación especializada a familias y docentes. Objetivo: Exponer los resultados de una investigación sobre problemas visuales en niños en edad escolar atendidos en el Policlínico Mario Escalona para la socialización de datos que contribuyan a la educación especializada de familias y docentes en la rehabilitación visual. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, desde enero de 2020 hasta abril de 2022, para conocer la incidencia del uso de dispositivos electrónicos en niños en edad escolar atendidos en el Policlínico Mario Escalona. Conformaron el universo 1953 niños. Se valoró el defecto refractivo y el tiempo de uso de los dispositivos electrónicos. Resultados: El astigmatismo miópico fue la ametropía más frecuente, con una incidencia superior al 50 por ciento. En encuestas realizadas a los padres se corroboró el uso desmedido de dispositivos electrónicos. Conclusiones: Como acto de responsabilidad profesional, desde la atención primaria de salud, el tecnólogo de la salud en optometría y óptica debe identificar los problemas visuales en niños en edad escolar y brindar educación especializada a familias y docentes, que contribuya a la rehabilitación visual(AU)

Introduction: From his or her permanent and continuous training, from education at work, the health technologist in Optometry and Optics develops modes of action in primary health care, through interaction with community schools, to identify visual problems in children and contribute to their rehabilitation, by providing specialized education to families and professors. Objective: To present the results of a research on visual problems in school-age children treated at Mario Escalona Polyclinic for the socialization of data that contribute to the specialized education of families and teachers in visual rehabilitation. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2020 to April 2022, in order to know the incidence of the use of electronic devices in school-age children attended at Policlínico Docente Dr. Mario Escalona Reguera. The universe consisted of 1953 children. The refractive defect and the time of use of electronic devices were assessed. Results: Myopic astigmatism was the most frequent ametropia, with an incidence higher than 50 percent. Surveys of parents corroborated an excessive use of electronic devices. Conclusions: As an act of professional responsibility, from primary health care, the health technologist in Optometry and Peptics should identify visual problems in school-age children, as well as provide specialized education to families and professors, contributing to visual rehabilitation(AU)

Humans , Child , Vision Disorders/epidemiology , Visual Acuity , Eye Diseases/epidemiology , Myopia/epidemiology , Primary Health Care , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Wearable Electronic Devices
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(17)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515618


El SVI como problema de salud, también puede tener un impacto económico significativo y sus consecuencias perjudiciales pueden continuar incluso cuando la pandemia haya terminado. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y causas relacionadas del síndrome visual informático (SVI) entre los estudiantes de 12 a 17 años, durante la COVID-19. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó una investigación de tipo transversal, observacional, analítica y cuantitativa, la población estuvo constituida por 345 estudiantes de educación secundaria, se aplicó una encuesta a través de GoogleForms usando como instrumento, el cuestionario de Computer Vision Sympton Scale (CVSS17). Resultados. Se evidenció que los participantes padecen del síndrome visual informático (SVI) entre un nivel leve a muy severo (67%), la mayoría de los participantes presentan mayor uso de dispositivos digitales por día de 4-6 horas. Sintomatología de fotofobia a pantalla 73,3%, dolor de ojos 69,9% y ardor de ojos 66,4%. No evidencia enfermedades visuales 77.7%; algunos casos eventuales de miopía, astigmatismo, hipermetropía y anisometropía, por lo cual, se concluye que los participantes padecen del síndrome visual informático entre un nivel leve a muy severo (67%). Conclusiones. Se sugiere solicitar un diagnóstico completo que permita tener una información real del daño ocasionado por el SVI.

As a health problem, SVI can also have a significant economic impact and its detrimental consequences may continue even when the pandemic is over. Objective. To determine the prevalence and related causes of computer vision syndrome (CVI) among students aged 12 to 17 years during COVID-19. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional, observational, analytical and quantitative research was conducted, the population consisted of 345 high school students, a survey was applied through GoogleForms using as instrument, the Computer Vision Sympton Scale (CVSS17) questionnaire. Results. It was evidenced that the participants suffer from computer vision syndrome (CVSS) between a mild to very severe level (67%), most of the participants present greater use of digital devices per day of 4-6 hours. Symptomatology of photophobia to screen 73.3%, eye pain 69.9% and burning eyes 66.4%. No evidence of visual diseases 77.7%; some eventual cases of myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia and anisometropia, therefore, it is concluded that participants suffer from computer visual syndrome between a mild to very severe level (67%). Conclusions. It is suggested to request a complete diagnosis that allows us to have real information about the damage caused by CVI.

Como um problema de saúde, a SVI também pode ter um impacto econômico significativo e suas consequências prejudiciais podem continuar mesmo após o fim da pandemia. Objetivo. Determinar a prevalência e as causas relacionadas à síndrome da visão computacional (SVI) entre estudantes de 12 a 17 anos durante a COVID-19. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa transversal, observacional, analítica e quantitativa, a população consistiu em 345 alunos do ensino médio, uma pesquisa foi aplicada por meio do GoogleForms usando o questionário Computer Vision Sympton Scale (CVSS17) como instrumento. Resultados. Verificou-se que os participantes sofrem de síndrome da visão computacional (CVSS) entre um nível leve a muito grave (67%), a maioria dos participantes tem um uso maior de dispositivos digitais por dia de 4-6 horas. Sintomatologia de fotofobia de tela 73,3%, dor ocular 69,9% e ardência ocular 66,4%. Nenhuma evidência de doenças visuais 77,7%; alguns casos eventuais de miopia, astigmatismo, hipermetropia e anisometropia, portanto, conclui-se que os participantes sofrem de síndrome visual do computador entre um nível leve e muito grave (67%). Conclusões. Sugere-se que seja solicitado um diagnóstico completo para obter informações reais sobre os danos causados pela IVC.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [9], ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514155


Fundamento: Las publicaciones científicas son importantes en el ámbito médico pues permiten la divulgación de las investigaciones científicas. Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento de las publicaciones científicas de los profesionales pertenecientes a la Clínica Universitaria de Especialidades Estomatológicas "Manuel Cedeño". Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo, de tipo bibliométrico en la Clínica de Especialidades Estomatológicas "Manuel Cedeño", desde noviembre de 2016 hasta junio de 2021. Los indicadores bibliométricos estudiados fueron: cantidad de artículos publicados por año, revista de publicación, tipología de los artículos y temática investigada. Resultados: Se encontraron 29 artículos publicados, de ellos el 86.20 % fueron reportes originales. El año 2019 fue el de más publicaciones científicas. En la revista Multimed se publicó la mayor cantidad y la temática más abordada fue Ortodoncia con el 31.03 %. Conclusiones: Los informes originales predominaron, se publicaron trabajos en revistas cubanas y se abordaron varios temas; aun así, consideramos que la cantidad de artículos debe ser mayor y más diversa según tipología.

Background: Scientific publications are important in the medical field because they permit the divulgation of scientific research. Objective: To describe the behavior of scientific publications of the professionals belonging to the "Manuel Cedeño" University Clinic of Dental Specialties. Methodology: A descriptive and retrospective bibliometric study was conducted at the "Manuel Cedeño" University Clinic of Dental Specialties, from November 2016 to June 2021. The bibliometric indicators studied were: number of articles published by year, publication journal, article typology and subject researched. Results: A number of 29 published articles were found, out of which 86.20% were original reports. 2019 was the year with the highest number of scientific publications. The greatest number was published in the Multimed journal, and the subject most covered was Orthodontics, with 31.03%. Conclusions: The original reports predominated, articles were published in Cuban journals and various topics were covered; even so, we consider that the number of articles must be greater and more diverse according to typology.

Bibliometrics , Oral Medicine , Bibliometrics , Scientific Publication Indicators , Scientific and Technical Publications , Periodical
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444445


O tabagismo é uma doença crônica e é considerado um grave problema de saúde pública e tem sido alvo ao longo do tempo de muitas ações preventivas e de promoção à saúde. O produto do tabaco mais consumido entre adultos e jovens é o cigarro convencional, entretanto, o consumo de tabaco sem fumaça ou outros produtos do tabaco fumado, como os cigarros eletrônicos, tem sido observado de forma crescente no mundo. Os dispositivos eletrônicos para fumar (DEF), que têm despertado cada vez mais a atenção de consumidores jovens, envolvem diferentes equipamentos e tecnologias. Fundamentado no princípio da precaução, desde 2009, o Brasil proibiu a comercialização, importação e propaganda de todos os tipos de DEF que oferecessem a substituição de cigarro, cigarrilha, charuto, cachimbo e similares ou que objetivem alternativa ao tratamento do tabagismo, por meio da RDC n 46, de 28 de agosto de 2009. Mesmo proibido no Brasil, evidencia-se o uso dos cigarros eletrônicos como uma alternativa, revelando um novo desafio a ser enfrentado pelas políticas de controle do tabagismo. As lacunas de conhecimento inerentes a uma prática social nova, bem como da necessidade de construção de referenciais que contribuam para a melhor tomada de decisões, seja no âmbito da intervenção profissional ou da gestão das políticas públicas, com vistas a proteger a saúde da população, por si só já torna relevante a ampliação de conhecimentos acerca desta temática. Contudo, é necessário a compreensão de que as ações de prevenção, promoção e controle devem ser compreendidas de forma transversal e interdisciplinar, a fim de que se possa refletir sobre os processos que envolvem aspectos políticos, socioeconômicos e culturais que interagem diretamente com o processo saúde-doença. Deste modo, com base na problemática apresentada e considerando a relevância da temática em questão, como campo pouco enfrentado deste âmbito, destaca-se que a ampliação de investigações e o aprofundamento de discussões sobre ela, possibilitarão uma melhor compreensão e visibilidade do problema

Smoking is a chronic disease and is considered a serious public health problem and has been the target of many preventive and health promotion actions over time. The most consumed tobacco product among adults and young people is the conventional cigarette, however, the consumption of smokeless tobacco or other smoked tobacco products, such as electronic cigarettes, has been observed on an increasing basis in the world. Electronic smoking devices (EFD), which have increasingly attracted the attention of young consumers, involve different equipment and technologies. Based on the precautionary principle, since 2009, Brazil has prohibited the sale, importation and advertising of all types of DEF that offer the replacement of cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, pipes and the like or that aim at an alternative to the treatment of smoking, through RDC n 46, of August 28, 2009. Even though it is prohibited in Brazil, the use of electronic cigarettes as an alternative is evident, revealing a new challenge to be faced by tobacco control policies. The knowledge gaps inherent to a new social practice, as well as the need to build references that contribute to better decision-making, whether in the scope of professional intervention or the management of public policies, with a view to protecting the health of the population, for itself already makes the expansion of knowledge about this theme relevant. However, it is necessary to understand that prevention, promotion and control actions must be understood in a transversal and interdisciplinary way, so that one can reflect on the processes that involve political, socioeconomic and cultural aspects that interact directly with the health process -illness. Thus, based on the problem presented and considering the relevance of the issue in question, as a field little faced in this area, it is emphasized that the expansion of investigations and the deepening of discussions about it, will allow a better understanding and visibility of the problem.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535265


Objetivo: Describir la reflexión autocrítica que médicos especialistas en medicina interna hacen de la calidad del registro de la información en la historia clínica electrónica, en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo que aplicó técnicas de la teoría fundamentada, con entrevistas semiestructuradas en profundidad a quince médicos internistas de un hospital de alta complejidad en Medellín, Colombia. El análisis partió de una conceptualización con codificación abierta y, luego, se hizo la agrupación de códigos en categorías descriptivas. Se identificaron propiedades y dimensiones que fueron relacionadas mediante la codificación axial con la matriz del paradigma de la teoría fundamentada, que permitió la emergencia de una categoría más abstracta. Resultados: Los entrevistados manifestaron que la historia clínica guarda información fundamental e invaluable, que contribuye al mejoramiento de la sa¬lud de los pacientes. Relacionaron la calidad del diligenciamiento de la historia clínica con un contexto regulatorio nacional, el cual tiene exigencias administrativas y financieras que ejercen presión de requerimientos externos a la clínica sobre su diligenciamiento. Se reconoce la influencia de la cultura digital y del inmediatismo, debilidades en la formación del diligenciamiento de la historia clínica tanto en pregrado y posgrado. Lo anterior distancia al médico del paciente, genera desmotivación en el ejercicio de su profesión y facilita cometer errores. Conclusiones: Existe una contradicción entre el "deber ser" del diligenciamiento con calidad de la historia clínica y lo que sucede en la práctica, pues su intencionalidad original de ser una herramienta al servicio de la asistencia clínica se desvirtúa, al privilegiar el haberse convertido en un instrumento que responde a otros factores externos del sistema de salud del país.

Objective: to describe the self-critical reflection that internal medicine specialists make on the quality of the information recorded in the electronic medical record in a high complexity hospital. Methodology: qualitative study that applied Grounded Theory techniques, with semi-structured in-depth interviews to fifteen internists of the Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital in Colombia. The analysis was based on a conceptualization with open coding and then grouping of codes into descriptive categories. Properties and dimensions were identified and related through axial coding with the matrix of the Grounded Theory paradigm, which allowed the emergence of a more abstract category. Results: the interviewees informed the medical records keeps invaluable and fundamental information which contributes to the improvement of patient ́s health. They related the quality of medical records fill out with a national regulatory context, which has administrative and financial challenges that demands external pressure over the completion requirements in the medical assistance. The influence of digital culture and immediacy and insufficiencies skills in undergraduate and postgraduate medical training for a comprehensive fill out medical records, are recognized. The above distances the physician from the patient, generates demotivation in the practice of his profession and makes it easier to make mistakes. Conclusions: there is a contradiction between the "should be" of the quality of the medical records and what happens in practice, since its original intention of being a tool at the service of clinical care is distorted, as it has become a tool that responds to other external factors to the National health system.

Objetivo: Descrever a reflexão autocrítica que os médicos especialistas em medicina interna fazem sobre a qualidade da informação registrada no prontuário eletrônico do Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe. Metodologia: Estudo qualitativo que aplicou técnicas de teoria fundamentada, com entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade com quinze internos de um hospital de alta complexidade em Medellín, Colômbia. A análise partiu de uma conceituação com codificação aberta e, em seguida, foi feito o agrupamento dos códigos em categorias descritivas. Foram identificadas propriedades e dimensões que se relacionaram por meio da codificação axial com a matriz do paradigma da teoria fundamentada, o que permitiu o surgimento de uma categoria mais abstrata. Resultados: Os entrevistados relacionaram a qualidade do preenchimento da história clínica com um contexto regulatório que impõe exigências administrativas e financeiras que exercem pressão de exigências externas à clínica no seu preenchimento. Reconhece-se a influência da cultura digital e do imediatismo, as insuficiências na formação médica graduada e pós-graduada e as limitações dos médicos nas habilidades de comunicação. Isso distancia o médico do paciente, gera desmotivação no exercício de sua profissão e facilita erros. Conclusões: Existe uma contradição entre o "deveria ser" de preencher a anamnese com qualidade e o que ocorre na prática, pois sua intenção original de ser uma ferramenta a serviço do atendimento clínico é desvirtuada, ao privilegiar ter se tornado um instrumento que responde a outros fatores externos ao ato médico e às exigências administrativas do sistema de saúde.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Jul; 71(7): 2746-2755
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225167


Purpose: To describe the demographics and clinical profile of pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF or PES) in patients presenting to a multi?tier ophthalmology hospital network in India. Methods: This cross?sectional hospital?based study included 3,082,727 new patients presenting between August 2010 and December 2021. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of PXF in at least one eye were included as cases. The data were collected using an electronic medical record system. Results: Overall, 23,223 (0.75%) patients were diagnosed with PXF. The majority of the patients were male (67.08%) and had unilateral (60.96%) affliction. The most common age group at presentation was during the seventh decade of life with 9,495 (40.89%) patients. The overall prevalence was higher in patients from a lower socio?economic status (1.48%) presenting from the urban geography (0.84%) and in retired individuals (3.61%). The most common location of the PXF material was the pupillary margin (81.01%) followed by the iris (19.15%). The majority of the eyes had mild or no visual impairment (<20/70) in 12,962 (40.14%) eyes. PXF glaucoma was documented in 7,954 (24.63%) eyes. Krukenberg’s spindle was found in 64 (0.20%) eyes, phacodonesis in 328 (1.02%) eyes, and lens subluxation in 299 (0.93%) eyes. Among the surgical interventions, cataract surgery was performed in 8,363 (25.9%) eyes, trabeculectomy was performed in 966 (2.99%) eyes, and a combined procedure in 822 (2.55%) eyes. Conclusion: PXF more commonly affects males presenting during the seventh decade of life from lower socio?economic status and is predominantly unilateral. A quarter of the affected eyes are associated with glaucoma and the majority of the eyes have mild or no visual impairment.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 14855, 10 jul. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451194


The correlation between inattention and hyperactivity symptoms/behavior manifestations and screen time was evaluated among Brazilian children and adolescents (7-18 years old) who were socially isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 517 legal guardians completed questionnaires about electronic media use (MAF-P) and emotional/behavioral problems (CBCL/6-18). The results showed that texting was correlated to less inattention/hyperactivity symptoms; listening to music, the use of social media and electronics for school purposes were negatively correlated to attention problems and inattention/hyperactivity symptoms and playing videos games and online videos were associated to more attention problems and inattention/hyperactivity symptoms. The results contribute to the understanding of the relationship between inattention/hyperactivity symptoms and screen time in a sample of Brazilian children and adolescents during the pandemic.

Se evaluó la correlación entre síntomas/manifestaciones conductuales de inatención e hiperactividad y tiempo de uso de medios electrónicos entre niños y adolescentes brasileños (7-18 años) en aislamiento social por la pandemia de COVID-19. Los participantes fueron 517 tutores que completaron inventarios de uso de medios (MAF-P) y problemas emocionales/conductuales (CBCL/6-18), entre junio y agosto de 2020. Los resultados indican que más tiempo dedicado a la comunicación de mensajes se correlacionó con menos informes de síntomas de inatención/hiperactividad; Escuchar música durante más tiempo, usar redes sociales y dispositivos electrónicos para la escuela/el trabajo se asoció con menos síntomas inatención/hiperactividad y problemas de atención. Finalmente, jugar más videojuegos y ver videos en línea se asoció con más síntomas de falta de atención/hiperactividad y problemas de atención. Los resultados contribuyen a comprender que existen asociaciones entre la frecuencia de síntomas de inatención/hiperactividad y el tiempo de uso de medios electrónicos en una muestra de niños y adolescentes brasileños durante la pandemia.

Avaliou-se a correlação entre sintomas/manifestações comportamentais de desatenção e hiperatividade e tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas entre crianças e adolescentes (7-18 anos) brasileiras em isolamento social devido a pandemia da COVID-19. Participaram 517 responsáveis que preencheram inventários de uso de mídias (MAF-P) e de problemas emocionais/comportamentais (CBCL/6-18), entre junho-agosto de 2020. Resultados indicam que mais tempo em comunicação por mensagens correlacionou-se a menos relatos de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade; já mais tempo ouvindo música, usando redes sociais e eletrônicos para escola/trabalho associaram-se com menor número de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e de problemas atencionais. Por fim, maior em videogames e assistindo vídeos online associaram-se a mais sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e problemas atencionais. Os resultados contribuem para entender que existem associações entre frequência de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas em uma amostra de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros durante a pandemia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Child Behavior/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Social Media , COVID-19 , Time Factors , Checklist
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219160


Introduction:Effective management of medical records is essential for delivering high‑quality treatment. The location, architecture, and personnel of a medical records department (MRD) can considerably impact its operational efficiency. This study seeks to examine hospital MRD and establishes whether its current configuration is suitable for effective medical record management. Materials and Methods: The descriptive method was utilized to evaluate the MRD of the hospital. The review analyzed the department’s physical layout, personnel, workload, training programs, and available equipment. The study also evaluated the influence of government and business restrictions on MRDs operations. Results: It was determined that the MRD of the hospital had an appropriate physical layout, with divisions positioned in optimal locations. The department’s personnel levels were adequate, with twenty employees managing the patient population’s workload. The analysis determined that the department required extra photocopiers and scanners to boost operational efficiency. In addition, the study underlined the significance of adhering to policies, protocols, and established processes in ensuring efficient workflow. Conclusion: The analysis concludes that the hospital MRD has an adequate physical layout, staffing levels, and task management. However, the present equipment could be enhanced to increase operational efficiency. The study also emphasizes the importance of adhering to policies, protocols, and written processes to ensure the department’s efficient workflow. The outcomes of this study may inform future decisions on MRD management in other health‑care organizations, especially those subject to comparable government and commercial regulations

E-Cienc. inf ; 13(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448135


El crecimiento de la necesidad de información veraz ha llevado a que las revistas científicas se posicionen como medios de información confiables; lo cual hace que se requiera una necesidad de la profesionalización de esta labor que garantice la confiablidad y rigurosidad de las mismas. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue identificar las necesidades de formación de profesionales a cargo de la gestión editorial de las revistas científicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. La investigación se realizó desde enero del 2019 hasta junio del 2020, por medio de un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, con técnicas de recolección de este mismo enfoque. Se entrevistaron a las personas editoras y directoras de las principales revistas posicionadas en los primeros diez lugares del ranking UCR índex (a la fecha 4 de noviembre del 2019), se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada con preguntas relacionadas a la identificación de actitudes, habilidades, conocimientos, necesidades de formación y el contexto en el que se desarrollan, estas representan las categorías de análisis utilizadas para el procesamiento de información. Entre los resultados se destacaron necesidades de formación en temáticas afines a los procesos administrativos relacionados con revistas, fundamentos de la gestión editorial, herramientas tecnológicas y el posicionamiento de las revistas; además se evidenciaron las cortas jornadas laborales que poseen los editores de revistas UCR. Se concluye que es imperativo que la UCR atienda estas necesidades de formación, además de fortalecer estos medios de divulgación del conocimiento y que se analice la oportunidad de ofrecer un programa de formación continua o bien una especialidad en gestión editorial.

The growth of the need for reliable information has led scientific journals to position themselves as reliable information media, which entails a need for the professionalization of this work that guarantees the reliability and rigor of this. The objective of this manuscript was to identify the training needs of the professionals in charge of the editorial management of the scientific journals of the University of Costa Rica. The research was carried out from January 2019 to June 2020, through a descriptive qualitative approach, with qualitative collection techniques. The editors and directors of the main journals positioned in the first ten places of the UCR index ranking (November 4th, 2019) were interviewed, a semi-structured interview was used with questions related to the identification of attitudes, skills, knowledge, training needs and the context in which they are developed, these represent the categories of analysis used for the processing of information. The main results shows that, training needs in topics related to the processes were highlighted, administrative issues related to journals, fundamentals of editorial management, technological tools and the positioning of journals; in addition, the short working hours that the editors of UCR magazines have were evidenced. It is concluded that it is imperative that the UCR meets these training needs, in addition to strengthening these means of disseminating knowledge and that the opportunity to offer a continuous training program or a specialty in editorial management be analyzed.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 72(2): 111-117, ab.-jun. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506603


ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the prevalence of internet gaming disorder (IGD) symptoms in a sample of Brazilian adults, and its association with personality, psychiatric symptoms and psychosocial measures. Methods We evaluated 219 adults online recruited using questionnaires and psychometric scales. We evaluated the behavior and pattern of internet games using the Game Addiction Scale (GAS). We tested the association of the previous measures with the GAS scores by spearman correlations and multiple regression analysis. Results Of our sample, 74% played games online. We found correlations between IGD symptoms and most symptoms of mental disorders, with small or moderate effect sizes, as well as correlations with the personality traits of agreeableness (r = -0.272; p < 0.001), conscientiousness (r = - 0.314; p < 0.001), and neuroticism (r = 0.299; p < 0.001). Additionally, we found a negative association with psychosocial outcomes such as quality of life (r = -0.339; p < 0.001) and life satisfaction (r = - 0.202; p < 0.003). The multivariate model included the personality traits of conscientiousness and agreeableness and symptoms of dissociation and somatization as predictors. The prevalence of IGD was 9% in those who played online games. Conclusion IGD is correlated with different areas of the individual's life, such as personality, quality of life, and several common symptoms of mental disorders. The prevalence can be considered high among players (9%). Conscientiousness, agreeability, somatic symptoms, and dissociative symptoms were associated with the symptoms of IGD.

RESUMO Objetivo Investigar a prevalência de sintomas do transtorno do jogo pela internet (TJI) em uma amostra de adultos brasileiros e sua associação com personalidade, sintomas psiquiátricos e medidas psicossociais. Métodos Avaliamos 219 adultos recrutados on-line por meio de questionários e escalas psicométricas. Avaliamos o comportamento e o padrão dos jogos na internet usando a Game Addiction Scale (GAS). Testamos a associação das medidas anteriores com as pontuações na GAS por meio de correlações de Spearman e análise de regressão múltipla. Resultados De nossa amostra, 74% jogavam jogos on-line. Encontramos correlações entre sintomas do TJI e a maioria dos sintomas de transtornos mentais, com tamanhos de efeito pequenos ou moderados, bem como correlações com os traços de personalidade de amabilidade (r = -0,272; p < 0,001), conscienciosidade (r = - 0,314; p < 0,001) e neuroticismo (r = 0,299; p < 0,001). Além disso, encontramos uma associação negativa com resultados psicossociais, como qualidade de vida (r = -0,339; p < 0,001) e satisfação com a vida (r = - 0,202; p < 0,003). O modelo multivariado incluiu os traços de personalidade de conscienciosidade e amabilidade e sintomas de dissociação e somatização como preditores. A prevalência de TJI foi de 9% entre os que jogavam jogos on-line. Conclusão O TJI está correlacionado com diferentes áreas da vida do indivíduo, como personalidade, qualidade de vida e vários sintomas comuns de transtornos mentais. A prevalência pode ser considerada alta entre os jogadores (9%). Conscienciosidade, amabilidade, sintomas somáticos e sintomas dissociativos estavam associados aos sintomas do TJI.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 May; 71(5): 2061-2065
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225024


Purpose: To describe the demographics, clinical characteristics, and presentation of solar retinopathy in patients who presented to a multi?tier ophthalmology hospital network in India. Methods: This cross?sectional, hospital?based study included 3,082,727 new patients presenting to the hospital between August 2010 and December 2021. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of solar retinopathy in at least one eye were included in the study. All the data was collected using an electronic medical record system. Results: Three hundred and forty?nine eyes of 253 (0.01%) patients were diagnosed with solar retinopathy and included in the study, and 157 patients (62.06%) had a unilateral affliction. Solar retinopathy was noted to be significantly more common in males (73.12%) and adults (98.81%). The most common age group at presentation was during the sixth decade of life with 56 (22.13%) patients. They were more commonly from the rural geography (41.9%). Among the 349 eyes, 275 (78.8%) eyes had mild or no visual impairment (<20/70), which was followed by moderate visual impairment (>20/70–20/200) found in 45 (12.89%) eyes. The most commonly associated ocular comorbidity was cataract in 48 (13.75%) eyes, followed by epiretinal membrane in 38 (10.89%) eyes. The most common retinal damage seen was interdigitation zone (IZ) disruption (38.68%), followed by inner segment–outer segment (IS–OS) disruption (33.52%). Foveal atrophy was seen in 105 (30.09%) eyes. Conclusion: Solar retinopathy is predominantly unilateral and is more common in males. It usually presents during the sixth decade of life and rarely causes significant visual impairment. The most common retinal damage seen was disruption of the outer retinal layers

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218832


Objective: Minor constriction which is the narrowest diameter is considered to be the appropriate apical limit of endodontic treatment. Apex locators provide greater precision, fewer procedural errors, less discomfort to the patient during measurement of working length. The aim of this article is to compare the accuracy of four electronic apex locators in detecting the apical constriction using histological sections as the gold standard. 80Materials and Methods: extracted single-rooted permanent teeth were selected and coronally flattened for stable reference point. Access cavity was prepared and canal patency was checked. Samples were embedded in alginate upto cemento-enamel junction. Working length was determined with the apex locators. A 15 K file adjusted to that reading was placed in the root canal and stabilized with flowable composite. Apical 4 mm of root was longitudinally sectioned and the position of the file in relation to the minor constriction was recorded for each tooth under stereomicroscope at 40X magnification. Chi-square test was carried out to test the difference in accuracy at various levels from the minor foramen. Kruskal Wallis Test was carried out to compare the differences between the study groups for the distance from the tip of the file relative to the minor foramen (P<0.05). Measurements of mean working lengths within ±0.5 mm of minor diameter were 85%Results: acceptable for CanalPro followed by Root ZX Mini (80%) and Propex Pixi (80%) and the least by DPEX V (65%). Conclusion: Accuracy of these instruments for detecting the minor diameter is acceptable for clinical practice